Monday, June 13, 2011


I swear, this deployment feels as though it will never end.  I just got off the phone with Chris and somehow it ended in us both hanging up mad.  I hate when that happens.  Does this ever happen to anyone else?  I talked to him this morning, and I admit I was in a grumpy mood.  Because of my bank, not him.  He happen to call at a time when I was just mad.  It wasn't at him at all, but that conversation didn't go so great either.  And somehow the one this evening became just an extension of that one.  So, my question is..  is it illegal to be in a bad mood every once in a while?  It was right in the middle of me trying to call the bank and credit card people, just bad timing.  But now, I feel guilty (partly because he guilted me)  but I do anyway.  I know that it is the only time that he gets a small break from his day and that he would prefer that I am cheerful and funny and what not.  But also, my life is still going on as it did.  Business wise at least.  The bills still have to be paid and so on..  I was trying to fix that problem and that is when he called.  I wish these phone calls had both gone better today.  But I'm not a totally horrible person right?  :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Another 30 day challenge!

I have done a few of these things, but this one is different!  This one is a photography challenge.  So, it will be fun and maybe helpful as well.  YAY!

About the Howard's

My photo
Fort Campbell, Kentucky
My name is Allison Howard. I have been married to my best friend Chris for over 3 years now. And on April 1, 2008, our sweet little Kiley came along. She is our pride and joy and she is also a little crazy! We are an ARMY family. We were stationed at Fort Bragg, NC but it February 2010 we were sent to Fort Campbell, KY. Chris is currently in Afghanistan with the 101st Airborne and we miss him dearly. There is no real purpose to this blog. Just to let our friends and family keep up to date with what we are up to!



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