Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Ok, well we see how awesome I was at following through with that photo challenge.  Whatev!  I am currently (like as I type) procrastinating my move.  I should probably have already done it.  But jeez, moving is such a hassle.  And in case you don't know me, I stress out easy.  Or some other people might call it "being a baby".  Well whichever, I have been actively putting it off.
I definitely would rather have the house somewhat ready for Chris to come home to so that he can just come in and relax.  But people don't really jump at the chance to help you move.  Unbelievable right?!?!  I have had a couple friends offer and I will gladly take them up on it.  I don't know why I am dreading it so much.  That's not true.. I know why.  I hate change.  I never handle it well before it happens.  I can adjust quickly but I freak out before it.  And also (it might sound silly), this will be our first time living off-post.  To be honest, I am just kind of scared to be there at the house by myself out in the "normal" world, even thought it isn't for a long period of time.  I should probably start trying to list the things that I will enjoy about it instead of all the things that are bad.  Wish me luck!  :)

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About the Howard's

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Fort Campbell, Kentucky
My name is Allison Howard. I have been married to my best friend Chris for over 3 years now. And on April 1, 2008, our sweet little Kiley came along. She is our pride and joy and she is also a little crazy! We are an ARMY family. We were stationed at Fort Bragg, NC but it February 2010 we were sent to Fort Campbell, KY. Chris is currently in Afghanistan with the 101st Airborne and we miss him dearly. There is no real purpose to this blog. Just to let our friends and family keep up to date with what we are up to!



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