Sunday, March 20, 2011

30 Day Military Challenge: Days 8 & 9

Day 8 - Post your favorite deployment pic (a pic of see u laters, him 
coming home, or him deployed) and tell why it is your favorite
Our first homecoming with Kiley!
Day 9 – post a picture of your favorite thing that 
you or your SO has made and tell what it is.
I made this countdown board.  :)


  1. That countdown is SUPER cute!!! You should sell them :)

  2. Thank you! I saw this on a craft website and figured I could do it myself. It was really easy! So somebody else is already selling them. Lol. But you could totally make one!

  3. Your right I could! But do you know how many things I have on my 'list' to make? I want to make a military wreath for my door. I even bought the ABU material last week in hopes that I could make it while on Spring Break. But that has come and gone and its still sitting there begging me to work on it. lol. But maybe I might just add this to the list too! lol. Thanks for the idea. My kids would LOVE it


About the Howard's

My photo
Fort Campbell, Kentucky
My name is Allison Howard. I have been married to my best friend Chris for over 3 years now. And on April 1, 2008, our sweet little Kiley came along. She is our pride and joy and she is also a little crazy! We are an ARMY family. We were stationed at Fort Bragg, NC but it February 2010 we were sent to Fort Campbell, KY. Chris is currently in Afghanistan with the 101st Airborne and we miss him dearly. There is no real purpose to this blog. Just to let our friends and family keep up to date with what we are up to!



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